McGehee Davis and Associates has utilized their internship program to great successes. MDA has been able to improve upon our training and coaching systems with each new intern. We are proud to claim that of the 5 interns that have been through our program: 3 have gone on to top 10 national firms, 1 was hired full time by us, and the 5th has yet to graduate. All interns came from varying backgrounds and schools. McGehee Davis Associates have had interns from Regis University, University of Colorado at Denver, Colorado University Boulder, University of Denver, and Murray State University in Kentucky. We have hosted 4 interns who received their Masters in Accounting. All interns were dedicated focused workers and deserved the recognition.

Sourob, short for Sourob Bhattacharyas, graduated with a 4.0 GPA in the Masters in Accounting program from the University of Denver. Sourob accepted a position with Price Waterhouse Coopers beginning August of 2022. Sourob was not only one of the smartest CPA candidates I have met he came from a wholesome background. And when I say wholesome, Sourob’s undergraduate degree was in Anthropology. In addition to being a down to earth guy, Sourob has also written music and even performed in front of the microphone a few times. Not exactly the model of the strict professional Sourob gives off in his daytime identity. If you get a chance to meet Sourob, buy him a drink and enjoy some of the most thoughtful and compassioned conversation you will have in your lifetime. I enjoy watching the continued success of such a deserving individual.
Nate Porda, Graduate of the University of Colorado, and current employee of Grant Thornton worked Saturdays on various projects. Nate has a mother who is a lawyer and is one of those young professionals that manages to look relaxed at attention. Nate had a focus that allowed him to slow time while working. Life of a Certified Public Accountant can be a mentally challenging one. It was clear to see how Nate had already mastered the art of mental stamina and will be a tribute employee for Grant Thornton.

Mugi, short for Munkhbayasgalan Ganaa, came to McGehee Davis Associates as an foreign student from Mongolia in the Masters of Accounting program at Regis University. Mugi has an innocent energy that comes from the excitement of being in such a large country with unlimited opportunity. Mongolia is almost the soze of Alaska with the population of Wyoming. One of the most interesting countries in the world Mongolia is fiercely independent and democratic, yet physically located between the two largest Communist countries in the world, Russia and China. Mugi excelled in her degree and quickly adapted to our systems. During tax season Mugi was one of our highest performers. Of all the employers Mugi could have gone on to, we are honored she chose to join our team at McGehee Davis Associates. Mugi has quickly become the engine behind our billable accounting services.

, is graduating from University of Colorado at Denver in spring of 2023. Kathleen developed into an integral part of our office that we retained her part time through the summer and into the fall. Kathleen’s Aunt is an accountant and she has always harbored the desire to be a successful CPA. The attachment that develops in such a small office is both a blessing and a curse when one of ours goes on to a bigger and better opportunity. We are so proud of Kathleen who will be starting a new internship with Deloitte Touche this coming tax season of 2023. Kathleen also has an offer from KPMG for the summer so we are certain she will, no doubt, become that successful CPA she always desired to be. Kathleen’s entire family is proud of the opportunities her hard work has earned her. And we, the employees of MDA taxes, count ourselves in that family. Way to go Kathleen!

Alex Guess, graduates from the University of Lousville’s Masters in Accounting program September 2023. Alex had a brief, but intense internship this past summer. Alex, was fun to have around the office with his southern drawl and ultra-courteous behavior. Having little experience in public accounting it was an amazement how much experience and confidence Alex came away with through shear effort and determination. We could almost see steam coming off Alex’s forehead as he willed himself to learn years of accounting and tax in 3 short weeks. I think it is tax season that should be afraid of Alex.
In conclusion, a company that choses to augment their employee pool through an internship program should be prepared to enjoy and harvest all of the benefits it will give. Your interns will not only be dedicated workers, they will bring concentration and pride to the rest of your team as you mentor and coach them. Interns will bring energy and excitement to your company. They will remind you of the lost passion you once had for your profession. And most of all, interns will be valuable additions to your growing family. I know the McGehee Davis Associates family has certainly grown richer through the associations with these five young gifted individuals.